This is the question on many Sailormoon fans' minds, especially with the recent release of the dubbed Sailor Moon S movie and the beginning of the dubbed S episodes. Are Haruka and Michiru lovers, or are they merely friends? In our opinion, and in the minds of thousands of Haruka and Michiru fans, yes, they are lovers, best friends, life mates and soulmates. What proof do we have, you may ask? What proof do you need? As if the little jokes, like Teasing"There are some things only adults can enjoy. Wouldn't you agree?" said by Sailor Neptune, and the blush that follows from Sailor Uranus in the Super S movie weren't enough...but the look of sheer terror Horrifiedfrom Sailor Uranus when Sailor Neptune is killed in the talisman episode, and the response that follows. Or what about in the final episodes of Stars, when Uranus and Neptune aparently turn traitor to be with one another? Haruka Tempting fatecomments to Michiru when they are making the choice "If I can be with you, I won't hesitate to sell my soul to the devil." to which Michiru replies "You're right." As they're waiting for their Star Seeds to be taken by Galaxia, Michiru turns to Haruka and says "Even Fading from existancein death, we're together." And they were...
With instances like this in both the manga and the anime, how can anyone question their love? How can anyone want to deny such a beautiful, devoted relationship? Some say that it's wrong, acording to the Bible. Granted, the Bible does say that homosexuality is an abomination against God. However, the bible also states that if you eat anything from the sea that does not have fins and scales that you are commiting an abomination against God. (Leviticus 11:11) So are we to believe that eating a shrimp cocktail is the same in God's eyes as homosexuality? Also, in Leviticus 21:21, it states that someone with any kind of defect in sight, body or mind may not approach the alter of God, because they are unpure. Does this mean that if you wear glasses, you are unpure, and may not approch the alter of God?
Will you be struck down for going to church if you have a cast on your leg? Or if you suffer depression? Of course not! And yet, these are the words of the Bible. It is our opinion that the concept of predjudice due to religious factors is nothing but an excuse for hatred. In fact,

predjudice due to ANY factor is nothing but an excuse. Love is a beautiful thing, and when one finds it, no matter WHERE they find it, it should be cherished. Even if it's something you don't like or approve of, have the decency to understand that it's someone else's life, and their heart. You don't have to like it, you don't have to understand it. You just have to accept them for who they are.
So are Haruka and Michiru more than friends? Yes! Of course they are. In every glance, in every touch, they convey their love. Even their creator, Naoko Takeuchi, when asked about their relationship, said simply "Yes, they are lovers". She was confused by the question, and all the contraversy about their relationship.
Our point is hate is wrong, no matter what the reason. Please, make a difference in the world by speaking out against hate and violence. Check the links below for information about more instances of Haruka and Michiru proving their love. Also check below for more information about gays and lesbians in the United States. If you have questions, comments, etc, please email us.

-Haruka to Michiru-

Haruka's jealousy!During the S season, Haruka shows her jealousy when a little boy at Michiru's art school gives her roses. Haruka comments that the roses are nice, and asks if they're from Michiru's boyfriend. Michiru replies "Haruka, are you jealous?" and Haruka replies "I'm not jealous. I just can't allow anyone else to look at you." To this, Michiru smiles and comments "That's called jealousy, Haruka."

While in the park, during the Stars season, Haruka and Michiru find Usagi in a park, waiting for Seiya to arrive. Michiru asks what she's doing there, and explains that "Only couples and pigeons come to this park on holidays" A few moments later, after some discussion, Michiru grabs Haruka's arm, dragging her away from Usagi, calling a quick goodbye over her shoulder. As they're walking away, Haruka comments to Michiru that she's hurting her. Michiru replies "Oh? Am I?" and Haruka says "I want you to touch me gently." Michiru responds "Later, when we're alone."

Holding handsDuring the search for the talismans, Haruka worries that her hands are dirty from her mission, from the part that she's played in the near-deaths of so many. Michiru sees her worry, dispite the fact that she tries to hide it from her partner. She clasps Haruka's hand, looking into her eyes, and tells her "Don't worry, I like your hands." This one
speaks for itself. Do cousins always give one another such a look of love?

GayCanada- A wonderful resource for gay and lesbian Canadians!

Resources for Gay and Lesbian research

Gay and Lesbian Political links gay and lesbian issues

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) page on Gay and Lesbian civil rights in the US

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Gay and Lesbian political resources

GLAAD-Gay&Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission

Gay and Lesbian Information Bureau

More Gay and Lesbian links from "Looksmart"

Resources for parents of gays and lesbians

PFLAG-Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

GLAA-Gay and Lesbian Activist Alliance

Gayzoo-A gay and lesbian search engine